We are down to our last day of operations at the office we want to take this opportunity to give our thanks and share our final updates on a few exciting announcements we have.
Above all, THANK YOU to our warriors and their families. You’re the reason we started PSW and we have been honored to hear your stories and serve you through our programs over the years. Thank you to our volunteers and board members, past and present, as well as our medical advisory team! We are so thankful for your work and support behind the scenes. Thank you to our donors and hospital partners, you have made what we do possible from the start. And finally, thank you to Kaysee and Trapper Hyatt, our founders, for believing change was possible and setting out to make it so. Kaysee has served as our president, and more recently our executive director. Kaysee, thank you for your time, talent, expertise and passion to make change.
It’s with excitement that we share our final updates with you upon our closure today:
- A final gift will be made to the Pediatric Stroke Fund at Seattle Children’s Hospital (SCH) totaling $100,000. The team at SCH will continue to provide excellent support and care for families as well as further clinical pediatric stroke research and education for years to come. Click here to read an update and thank you from Dr. Amlie-Lefond. If you feel lead and would like to make a donation directly to the Pediatric Stroke Fund as a legacy gift to PSW, you can do so here.
- Secondly, we are humbled to announce that The Pediatric Stroke Warriors Family Toolkit will continue to be published and made available through the International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke Organizations (IAPS).
A note from the Mary Kay Ballasiotes - Executive Director with IAPS
"The recent news of Pediatric Stroke Warriors closing is a loss for the childhood stroke community. Over the years since PSW was created, we have proudly collaborated with them on many initiatives and projects. We are so honored that PSW has asked us to take ownership of their essential Family Tool Kit. This book has been an incredible help for so many families, and we will make sure it is available for everyone in the future. IAPS will make an announcement when the updated version is available via our website, Facebook, Twitter and our newsletter, so please make sure to connect with us!
Although we will miss hearing from our friends at PSW, their incredible support, resources, and work has made a lasting impact on the pediatric stroke community. Thank you Pediatric Stroke Warriors for being the guiding light for pediatric stroke families worldwide! "
- Lastly, while all of our daily operations and programs will be completed on July 31, our website, www.pediatricstrokewarriors.org, will remain available through 2020. Our continued hope is that these resources and information will be available to serve families during this season.
Please know that although we made the difficult decision to close PSW, it does not change the amazing impact we have had through the years. It’s with heartfelt thanks and a sense of celebration for all that we have been able to accomplish that we say goodbye.
Lyndsey Watson
President of Pediatric Stroke Warriors, on behalf of the PSW Board