Our family’s story- Shared from Nikki Willcott
On July 31, 2016 while we were on our family vacation in Disney World my 16 month old daughter Brooklynn suffered a stroke. Before my daughter, I was never even aware that a child could have a stroke. But, that suddenly became our reality. It was a balancing act those first few days.
While I was in the hospital with Brooke, my husband made sure our other 3 children, my sons Will (11), daughter Abby (7), and Brooke's identical twin sister Shelby were shielded from what was happening. He ensured our kids still had an enjoyable vacation despite all he knew was happening. It’s what you do as a family, you just work as a team.
Thankfully, Brooke continued to amaze the doctors and we were able to go home. Once we returned home and settled into a new routine, I began doing what anyone would do and I started searching the internet for anything related to children and stroke. I came across the Pediatric Stroke Warriors and their website. I read about their Warrior Bags and Brave Box Program and I thought it would be so perfect for Brooke. When we received that Brave Box it was such a wonderful gift not only to Brooke, but our entire family!
On July 31, 2016 while we were on our family vacation in Disney World my 16 month old daughter Brooklynn suffered a stroke. Before my daughter, I was never even aware that a child could have a stroke. But, that suddenly became our reality. It was a balancing act those first few days.
While I was in the hospital with Brooke, my husband made sure our other 3 children, my sons Will (11), daughter Abby (7), and Brooke's identical twin sister Shelby were shielded from what was happening. He ensured our kids still had an enjoyable vacation despite all he knew was happening. It’s what you do as a family, you just work as a team.
Thankfully, Brooke continued to amaze the doctors and we were able to go home. Once we returned home and settled into a new routine, I began doing what anyone would do and I started searching the internet for anything related to children and stroke. I came across the Pediatric Stroke Warriors and their website. I read about their Warrior Bags and Brave Box Program and I thought it would be so perfect for Brooke. When we received that Brave Box it was such a wonderful gift not only to Brooke, but our entire family!
Making a difference- A couple months ago, my son was assigned a community service project for his Patriot Program in school. Being aware of what a wonderful organization Pediatric Stroke Warriors is, he decided to choose them for his project.
Will mailed letters and he asked me to post his letter to Facebook. He collected donations from our friends, family, teachers at school, and fellow twin moms. He worked so hard and it was absolutely inspiring to see him share about his sister and about what this Box meant to our family. When he had finished collecting donations, he had collected well over $600 for the Brave Boxes and Bags!
Will wanted to help make a difference and help bring a smile to a child's face, and he succeeded! He is aware how difficult this has been at times for our own family and for Brooke. We celebrate how much Brooke is progressing, every day she improves more and Will is her biggest cheerleader, and I am the proudest mom!
Will mailed letters and he asked me to post his letter to Facebook. He collected donations from our friends, family, teachers at school, and fellow twin moms. He worked so hard and it was absolutely inspiring to see him share about his sister and about what this Box meant to our family. When he had finished collecting donations, he had collected well over $600 for the Brave Boxes and Bags!
Will wanted to help make a difference and help bring a smile to a child's face, and he succeeded! He is aware how difficult this has been at times for our own family and for Brooke. We celebrate how much Brooke is progressing, every day she improves more and Will is her biggest cheerleader, and I am the proudest mom!
Paying it forward- We are so thankful to have the Pediatric Stroke Warriors, their support and the support of a community. We know how much this has meant to our family and we are happy to give back and make a difference for other families. Thank you Pediatric Stroke Warriors for all you do and we know so many other will benefit! ~ The Wolcott Family
On behalf of all of us with Pediatric Stroke Warriors and the children and families we serve, we extend the biggest heartfelt thank you to Will, the entire Wolcott family and a community they inspired for such a generous gift!
Learn more about Our Warrior Bags & Brave Box program
Learn more about Our Warrior Bags & Brave Box program